Ram Babu

Ram Babu

Rambabu is over 60 years old and has been working with us shortly after VSPCA was formed as a non-profit organization. He is affected by polio, but he does not let that hinder his determination to help animals. He was chosen by Ms. Esther Geisser to look after the “special needs dogs section” in our main shelter. This is where the blind, paraplegic, severely wounded, and critical care dogs are present.

He has the unique ability to connect with such innocent animals with a kindred spirit, patience, passion, and love. He looks after all their needs, including bathing them, walking them, feeding them, and putting them in wheelchairs. In addition to taking care of these dogs, he also attends emergency calls to help and save distressed animals! 

Last year, when the COVID-19 pandemic was raging through our country, he showed up to work with a 105 degree Celsius fever. Even with such a high fever, he wanted to come to take care of all the dogs. However, we had to follow our Covid-19 protocols and send him home with the necessary medications and advise him to rest. Currently, having recovered fully from the deadly virus, Ram Babu is back to work with great zeal, with our special needs dogs. 

He is currently sponsored by one of our partners NetAP (Network for Animal Protection), Switzerland. We thank NetAP and its founders from the bottom of our hearts for recognizing and helping such dedicated animal warriors!

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