A Big Yawn After a Full Tummy!

A Big Yawn After a Full Tummy!

In our last post, we talked about the 16 feeding stations that have been set up our Mr. Pradeep Nath, the founder of VSPCA. At these feeding stations, there is food available at  5:30 a.m. and 10:30 p.m.  

Our faithful, kind and caring cook, Ms. Nagamani prepares more than 300 food packets every day for the feeding stations. She prepares 29 kilograms of rice and 12 kilograms of curry to feed these hungry dogs. She prepares these packets for delivery to all the feeding stations twice a day. Thanks to her and many other volunteers at VSPCA, these stray animals and pups never go a day without food and water. 

At VSPCA, we also have very successful Animal Birth Control programs for both dogs and cats. Under this program, we spay or neuter as many cats and dogs as possible with the hope that there will be fewer animals on the streets. After such an intensive surgery, it is important these animals have access to clean water and nutritious food. It has been our number one priority to ensure their care and safety

We would also like to thank our Network for Animal Protection (NetAP) partners for helping us with the Dog Protection Program. It has been incredibly successful and a key public health initiative for the city residents, both human and nonhuman. With their constant support and guidance, we have been able to spay and neuter approximately 170,000 dogs in and around the city. 

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