Revaccination of Dogs at Old Town Area!

Vaccination is the most crucial part for our furry friends. VSPCA’s founder, Mr. Pradeep Kumar Nath considers this an important aspect because it contributes to both dogs’ and public health.
The revaccination programme was held at the Old Town Area of Visakhapatnam, and the drive continued for four days. Our dedicated team made sure that every single dog in the area was administered the rabies vaccination properly. To achieve our goal of making Vishakapatman rabies free, all the dogs residing in our shelters and on the streets should be vaccinated every three years, thus we revisit these areas frequently.
By providing the necessary vaccinations, our team makes sure that all the dogs will have improved resistance towards rabies and other such diseases. This would not have been possible without the continued support and guidance from our partners at Network for Animal Protection (NetAP) which supports our Dog Protection Programme!
Our team at VSPCA is working all the logistics out so that we can extend these vaccination drives to other areas of Visakhapatnam. To meet this goal, we call on your good wishes, support, blessings, and donations to help us make Visakhapatnam completely free of rabies. Whatever you can donate to VSPCA (medicines, food, blankets) is welcome. Cash donations are also greatly appreciated as they will help us repair all the damages caused to our shelter by the heavy rains.