An Action Plan for Visakhapatnam’s Feral Cats!

At VSPCA, we have partnered with NetAP to introduce the Cat Protection Programme, which is similar to the Dog Protection Programme. The main objective of this initiative is to stop the abhorrent custom of poaching and hunting cats by cat poachers. In India, cats are considered inauspicious and a social taboo, therefore, we are seeing an increase in such violent acts being committed against street cats.

To reduce the culling of these animals, VSPCA has established an action plan geared towards protecting feral cats and their well-being. VSPCA is legally addressing this matter with the appropriate leaders and law enforcement officials. We are also providing counselling to perpetrators with the help of law enforcement. In this way, our team is working towards a comprehensive strategy that involves stopping the abuse, poaching, and killing of cats and ensuring that cats can co-exist and live peacefully with the city’s residents.

As with our Dog Protection Programme, we have plans to establish feeding stations for cats, reduce the need for cats to forage dustbins for food, and potentially expose themselves to harmful materials like plastic, glass, etc.
The action plan is as follows:
- Awareness and education
- Rescuing distressed cats
- Providing food and shelter
- Conducting animal birth control programme for cats and administering vaccinations
- Eradicating cat hunting and poaching