Annual Report 2021-2022

Annual Report 2021-2022

The annual report for the year 2021-2022 talks about some of the ongoing projects at VSPCA including the Dog Protection Programme, the Cat Protection Programme, the Cattle Respect Programme, the Dog Feeding Stations, the Dog Park and more! 

This report also talks about the Kindness Mobile Restaurant Initiative which serves those living below the poverty line. It caters to those who are left to starve on the streets and have gone for several days without any food. At the Kindness Mobile Restaurant, they are able to access nutritious and delicious vegan meals. Over the last five years, we are proud to announce that over 38,000 meals have been provided to people who cannot afford to buy food. 

During the year 2021-2022, VSPCA had its first-ever discussion with the government, corporation, and community representatives to work towards the goals of achieving a biophilic Visakhapatnam. VSPCA representing the city of Visakhapatnam is a partner city in the  Biophilic Cities Network. We are launching and pioneering Biophilic Visakhapatnam, a first of its kind in India. Under this initiative, VSPCA is working on a myriad of projects including but not limited to habitat restoration, rejuvenation and preservation of landscapes, and many more!

The report also mentions the weather-related damages sustained at our shelters during the incessant rains, heat waves, and cyclones. Due to the rains, VSPCA’s shelters were completely flooded several times which led to damaged infrastructure, making it a hazard for the animals and staff. residing. We have incurred a loss of about INR 270,000

Finally, the report highlights some of the remarkable rescues VSPCA  made over the year, and how these animals have recovered and are living healthy lives, thanks to the never-ending support, love, and care of our wonderful team of vets, paravets, and staff. 

To read the full report, please visit our website at 

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