Help Stray Animals Avoid Getting their Heads Stuck in Plastic Containers
A few weeks ago, VSPCA got a distress call from a community member about a dog whose head got stuck in a plastic container. According to the caller, the poor pup was in that state for at least a day. When our team got there, they first caught the dog and tried to calm him down. Then slowly they started to work on removing his head from the container. It took our team about two hours to get the dog free. Many times, stray dogs and cats will get their heads stuck in plastic containers when searching for food and water.
With the summer season coming up and temperatures reaching record highs, we urge all residents and community members to leave bowls of water outside for the animals and birds. If possible, leave bowls of food outside for them as well. Also, please crush or cut open empty plastic containers so as to help these animals from not getting their head stuck. So many such cases go unreported and the poor animal dies of either suffocation, starvation, or dehydration. Thank you for your attention to this important matter that can save the lives of many animals.