VSPCA’s Kindness Farm
The VSPCA Kindness Farm was officially declared open on the 7th of January 2012 by Shri. Nosherwan Jehangir Trustee, Shri. H.M.S.S. Modi Benevolence Trust Fund.
Buffaloes, Cows, Bulls, calves, and horses have begun their nervous but exciting journey from our overcrowded shelter/ refuge to the kindness farm.
Nervous frightened and apprehensive of another torrid jam-packed destination to slaughter places they were relived and overjoyed filled with satisfaction to be wandering freely in this place.
More would follow very soon.
- The Kindness Farm has come to light with Chief Patronage from Mr. Phil Wollen, Founder Winsome Kindness Constance Trust, Australia.
- The Kindness Farm owes immensely to Dr. and Mrs.S.H.M. Modi Hormus House Benevolence Trust Fund for the development works.
- And the Kindness Farm also immensely thankful to Help Animal India, USA, Olive Walker USA, and Jane Courtney USA and Mrs. Maneka Gandhi.
The main reason for the formation of VSPCA’s Kindness Farm is to provide support to the present overcrowded Animal Refuge. Over Crowded because VSPCA continues to remain the only animal hospital/ Refuge/ Rehabilitation Rescue Center in this region and arguably in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
The Brainchild of Mr. Phil Wollen, WCKT the concept of Kindness Farm aims at providing a place for all kind of animals in distress, growing vegetables and fruits for the animals and the Employees, Growing Fodder, using the cattle to produce and Generate Electricity and Cooking gas, Tapping Solar Energy for Shelter Lanterns, providing Natural Pesticides, developing organically all produce. All these activities aim at providing Awareness, Education and building a relationship and inculcating for the future generations about the importance of veganism because of Kindness.
Overcrowded and no place at our first shelter.
Present strategy to develop facilities for:
- Cattle 500Nos brought from our over-congested Shelter /Refuge located at Paradesipalem, Visakhapatnam.
- Horses
- Dispensaries for large and small animals
- Feed Storage Rooms for large and small animals.
- Staff quarters
- Administrative Building with facilities for conference/Training, Veterinarians and Guest Quarters and Library room
- Quarantine facilities for large and small animals
- Kitchen Room
- Laboratory Room with X-Ray and scanning facilities.
- Octagon for the abandoned dogs with quarantine facility.
- Octagon for the abandoned cats with quarantine facility.
- Special needs facility with crèche facilities.
- Total Drainage with required roads/ pathways
- Buffalo Pond.
- Plantations – organic.
- Animal Birth Control /Clinic with Kennels
- Growing vegetables – organic.
- Fodder / paddy
- Boundaries.
- Electricity with a transformer.
- Bio- Gas plant 85 cum.
- Vermicompost production.
- Cow urine distillation unit
- Donkey and pig facility.
- Wildlife centre.
2011 Update
With the very kind benevolence of Dr. HMSS Modi Trust, the Kindness Farm at Visakha gave shape to :
- Two Cattle Shed measuring 100 feet by 25 feet.
- One horse shed to accommodate comfortably 20 horses.
- One worker’s Rest Room.
- One Dispensary for large animals.
- One Feed Room for large Animals.
- Two Borewells
- Two wells
- Electricity connection with exclusive transformers.
- One buffalo pond.
- Boundary by cement poles and mesh. This will improve by replacing with boundary wall depending on the budget.
Plus the planting of fruits and trees that consists of Mangoes, Peepal, Guavas, Neem, Cherries, Banyan, Lichi, more than 10,000 varieties of flowers and creepers varieties, Water Apple, Lemon, Green Apple, Orange, Anjir, Silver Oakes, Goose Berrie,s Date Trees, Round Big Amala, Grapes, Sapotas, Jamun Tress, Kitnars, Rampalam, Coconut Trees, Tamarind Bees, Drum Sticks, Pomegranate, Papaya, Cashew Nuts, Bananas, Custard Apple, and Betel Nut.
About 300 Cows, Bulls, Buffaloes, and horses have been shifted it is wonderful and heartening to note the fresh freedom and the clean air that they enjoy.
Outlook for 2012 Phase 2
Aiming towards the objective of developing the Kindness Farm the second phase we propose to plan to setup:
- Kindness Kitchen which will cater to our workers, cooking from the organic produces
- Biogas Plant of 85CM that will have 10KVA capacity and run for 11hours a day. As we have the rescued cattle fresh dung this can be much related.
- Produce Natural Fertilisers that will be used for own needs and sale outside of the requirement needs.
- Cow distilling urine that has utility for more than 15 critical diseases.
- Growing shade grass and other related fodder all along with the planted trees and plants. This will cater to the needs of our large animals.
- To plant the native roses all along the front lane of the boundary and in between possibilities to reap the benefits market.
- Two more cattle sheds.
- One more borewell.
- Watershed management
- Drainages and pathways.
- Medical equipment and instruments
- Special needs with crèche facilities.
- Octagons for the abandoned dogs and cats with the quarantine facility
- To acquire land on a lease if not outright purchase to grow folder.
- Administrative Building with facilities for conferences / Training / Veterinarians and guest quarters and library room.
- Staff quarters.
- This will be one of the centres for the “Kindness Kids” field project.
– Pradeep Nath, founder, VSPCA