Dear well-wishers and supporters,

We have just finished this year's season of Sea Turtle Protection.

This year we're proud to say that we preserved a whopping 705 nests, totalling 78,494 sea turtle eggs. This resulted in 65,044 hatchlings being successfully released.

Overall this is an increase of almost 100% from previous years, giving a big boost to these protection and conservation efforts. Our work is not done, as we must stay vigilant in ensuring that their present habitat is protected at any cost.

This also signifies that there is hope for all endangered species when organizations and individuals are there to do the hard work to protect them.

Saving Cattle from Illegal Slaughter and Transportation

We continue to exert pressure on the enforcement authorities to stop the illegal transportation and slaughtering of large animals. The cruelties we witness are increasingly disturbing and we continue to do our best to save these poor creatures from their misery.

In this particular case shown below, cattle from a neighbouring state were being smuggled through our area towards the north. All of these cows were rescued and suitable legal cases were filed against the perpetrators.

Some of our recent critical rescues



Dog burned by acid


Healed and happy


Dog badly beaten by drunken people


With treatment and care, a healthy happy dog


Dog stuck in a discarded bottle



We are very grateful to your continued faith and support and ask you to be an active part of our efforts for the animals in distress. For frequent updates and links to many of the above stories please check Facebook and Twitter feed.