At VSPCA, we have several volunteers who are ardent animal lovers and are committed to the welfare of all animals. Ms. Satyavati is one such volunteer. She is a house-help
At VSPCA, we have noticed that every animal on the street has unique characteristics that are distinct from the other street animals. Rowdy, pictured above, has really interesting characteristics. He
When the Municipality takes in stray dogs to neuter or spays them, they release them back onto the streets with little regard for their safety. Oftentimes, the Municipality will take
At VSPCA, we see many different animals with various injuries, ranging from mild to severe, so much so, that our empathetic team of doctors and volunteers have to be extremely
VSPCA is an inclusive organization that empowers people from all walks of life, no matter their background, caste, gender and sexuality. VSPCA knows that the LGBTQI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans,
In our last post, we talked about the 16 feeding stations that have been set up our Mr. Pradeep Nath, the founder of VSPCA. At these feeding stations, there is
Every living being, be they plants, animals or humans, need water to survive, especially during summer when the days are long and hot! In Visakhapatnam, our coastal town in Andhra