No Regulations for a Pet in a COVID affected house/place!

This is the fifth such case for us in a house or enclosure if for nomads dwellings. Which means the animals and pets in the dwellings affected by a gas leak or COVID case abandonment as per laid down norms there are absolutely no efforts to shift the animals to a shelter home etc., They are found left worse even tied to starve.
Here is the latest sad story. These people are nomads and earn a living by selling wares by the roadsides. They purchase materials from Delhi and they have two Indian dogs and One pedigree one. When one of the people tested positive for CORONA the entire family were packed up for isolation but this pedigree dog was tied packed in the tent while the two Indian dogs were left free. The pedigree dog tore up the tent from the front and desperately waiting for the owners to turn up provide food and water.

The matter was taken up with the authorities at all levels to allow us to enter and look after his needs as we were not allowed by police.
It is important that animals and their welfare well written in Indian Constitution and in Laws and Rules be followed in practice. We ask that equal safety measures be taken up for these animals and that Govt must have all written down for animal too and animal welfare be included in all Natural disasters Committee.
The dog is safe now. We now feed all the three of them.
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