Louise Graham

This summer of 2008 I was fortunate enough to travel to India and volunteered for two weeks at VSPCA along with two of my classmates. I am interested in a

Syd Baumel

It’s touching and inspiring to see so many animals of every kind being treated with such loving care and defended from abuse in a country where millions of humans still

Sajita Nair

It was a pleasure being with a volunteer with VSPCA. We look forward to many more such experiences with animals and nature. People like you make the world a better

N Gopi Krishna

I and my family visited the shelter of SPCA Vizag today. The shelter manager in charge Shri Rajasekhar was there and he showed us around the various enclosures and the

Merritt Clifton

I visited and evaluated the present headquarters of the VSPCA in Visakhapatnam, India, on January 19-20, 2007. It scored 93 on my 100-point scoring scale.  This is the highest score