Shubha Narayanan, one of our beloved patrons!

Shubha Narayanan, one of our beloved patrons!

Mrs. Shubha Narayanan is the mother of Dr. Yamini Narayanan whom we talked about last week! Mrs. Narayanan is one of our beloved patrons at VSPCA. Every time, VSPCA sends out a disaster or emergency appeal, she donates to us without fail.  VSPCA’s founder, Mr. Pradeep Kumar Nath, has often used her timely contributions to see animals to safety especially during natural disasters such as cyclones and flooding. Mrs. Narayanan has contributed to animals’ fresh feed and medicines, and more importantly, she cares for animals who cannot withstand the onslaught of these weather events. Such donations by our avid supporters and patrons help us get back on our feet in the aftermath of a  disaster or emergency. We are deeply grateful to Mrs. Shubha Narayanan for helping us help all the affected animals. 

Mrs. Narayanan has also contributed an acre of land to Kindness Farm, where we keep the male calves rescued from the Simhachalan Temples.  These calves are discarded at the temples, in offerings to God, by devotees.  It is a project that is dear to VSPCA, and we are working incessantly to educate the people about their mistaken beliefs and bring down the numbers of discarded calves. VSPCA knows that their worship means a lot to them.  However, we aim to teach people not to harm any innocent being in the process. Over the last decade, these numbers have dropped from 20,000 to about 4,000 per year. VSPCA has formed “Farmer Cooperatives” to take in these calves, and let them live out their lives while utilizing their dung in innovative practices, such as creating biogas for every individual farmer’s energy needs.  

Mrs. Narayanan understands the long-term value of the calves’ life-cycle and has given her utmost support to  VSPCA to streamline the lives of these abandoned and helpless male calves that are dumped on temple grounds. With her support and Mr. Nath’s perseverance, we have successfully brought the number of abandoned older bulls down to zero and are working very hard on the calf numbers! 

Along with her daughter, Dr. Yamini Narayanan, VSPCA has steadfast supporters.  We are deeply thankful to both members of one family for their support, guidance, and well-wishes. Support like the Narayanans allows us to continue all work that was started by Mr. Nath to help not only the animals but ensure biodiversity sustenance and environmental well-being.  

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