Let’s Make this Winter Warm and Cosy for our Furry Friends!

Let’s Make this Winter Warm and Cosy for our Furry Friends!

As the winter season is around the corner, VSPCA has begun taking measures to make their nights warm and cosy for our animal family. Climate shifts are visible and visceral, and Visakhapatnam is getting colder each winter. Our fur, scaly, and feathered friends often suffer from severe climate changes and must adapt or succumb to the elements. 

Dogs are suffering from the heavy rains and winter setting in. They can use the warmth of donated blankets to sleep peacefully. VSPCA’s founder, Mr. Pradeep Kumar Nath, always makes sure that every animal in our shelter is provided with warm blankets and not to forget mentioning, lots of love and cuddles!

We kindly request our supporters, well-wishers, donors, and fellow animal lovers to donate old blankets and clothes instead of discarding them. Please spread them under sheltered spaces in front of gates or in neighbourhood alleys, for stray animals to sleep on and stay warm

In addition, VSPCA urges citizens and residents to adopt a stray dog or cat if possible. If not, please kindly provide them with food and a fresh bowl of water. It will make the difference between life and death for the animal on the roads.  

We thank everyone who has cared for an animal in the past weeks. VSPCA wishes to instil love, admiration and compassion towards all animals. We seek the public’s support for our work in protecting all animals.  

Additionally, if you would please donate blankets, food and water bowls, bandages, and old clothes during this winter, VSPCA will use these items for stray animals and refuged animals at our shelter.  

To support our organization, please click here

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