Cruel use of Urban-Wild animals and Emu rescues
Freeing the Python The last time we saw this person, he managed to evade us. We lost him in the by-lanes. This time, our staff member followed him for a
The Ignorant Literate
Visakha steps in, takes action, brings result with a message! A stray puppy was thrown out of a third-floor window of Vignan’s Institute of Engineering for Women recently in a
Unholy Animal Fights at Indian Festivals
Friends again! These rams pictured were bred and trained to fight during the Dussehra festival last season. Millions are bred and trained to fight at Dussehra. This is illegal. Local
Seasonal Marine Animal Rescue!
Sea Turtle Protection Did you know that VSPCA, India has assisted ~ 700,000 Olive Ridley Sea Turtles to get back to their ocean home by protecting the eggs? This season,